Cfp – The 5th International Workshop on Optical Wireless Communications (IWOW)
22 April 2021
The 5th International Workshop on Optical Wireless Communications (IWOW) will be held in conjunction with the 7th International Symposium on Wireless Communications, on 6-9 Sept. 2021, Berlin, Germany – https://iswcs2021.org/
IWOW 2021 represents the first annual workshop in the framework of NEWFOCUS Cost Action. It will focus on latest research and development in free space optics; networked bidirectional OWC (also known as LiFi), visible light communications; ultraviolet communications; optical camera communications; hybrid OWC and RF systems; and OWC for a range of applications. Contributions are welcome in all areas related to OWC covering ultra-short, short-, medium-, and long-range links, including:
- – Photonic components and device
- – Channel modelling and characterisation
- – Coding, modulation, signal processing
- – Physical layer design
- – MIMO concepts for OWC
- – MAC for e.g. OFDMA, NOMA, SDMA
- – Overall system concept, modelling and simulations
- – High-speed OWC systems (indoor and outdoor) for
- * inter-chip communications
- * office and homes
- * intelligent transportation systems, e.g., UAVs, high-speed trains
- * entertainment and advertisement
- * massive IoT, e.eg., in medical, agriculture, manufacturing, etc.
- * underwater communications
- * space communications
- Etc.
- – Backbone network design for OWC
- – Networking protocols
- – Radio over OWC
- – Hybrid WiFi/mmW/THz/OWC links
- – Power line communications and OWC
- – Optical camera communications
- – Optical wireless localizations
- – Optical wireless sensing (e.g., LIDAR)
- – Security in OWC
- – Machine learning in OWC
- – Software defined OWC
- – Emerging application areas and market perspective
- – Others
All papers will be published in IEEE Explore!
Submission Deadline: 21 May 2021;
Decision: 7 July 2021;
Camera Ready: 15 August 2021
For further information please contact: Professor Z. Ghassemlooy z.ghassemlooy@northumbria.ac.uk; and Dr. J. Perez, joaquin.perez-soler@uv.es.
Download the cfp here