NEWFOCUS 3rd White Paper – Call for Contributions
1 November 2023
This is the final White Paper on Optical Wireless Communication, which will deal with Devices, Fundamental concepts (i.e., theoretical analysis), Practical testbeds, Emerging Technologies in OWC, Standards, Special Interest Groups for (i) free space optics; (ii) visible light communications; (iii) ultraviolet communications; (iv) optical camera communications; (iv) hybrid OWC; (v) hybrid RF/THz/OWC; and (vi) optical wireless networking with key feature of illumination, data communications, localization, sensing, and vision, and its applications including Health, Manufacturing, Agriculture and Environment, Culture, Creativity, and Inclusive Society, Intelligent Transportation System, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, Virtual reality, Internet of Things, Others.
Please, check the Call for Contributions