First STSM Call for Applications Open!

12 April 2021

Newfocus COST Action CA19111 launches its First STSM Call for Applications!

Short-term scientific missions (STSM) are exchange visits between researchers involved in a COST Action, allowing scientists to visit an institution or a laboratory in another COST Member state, COST Cooperating Member or COST Near-Neighbour Country part of the Action.

Their aim is to foster collaboration in excellent research infrastructures and share new techniques that may not be available in a participant’s home institution or laboratory.

This call is running during the month of April 2021.

The deadline of this First Call is on the 30th April 2021.


Want to apply but don’t know how?

Find out the complete STSM Procedure for our Action on our STSMs page. You will learn more about the Eligibility rules to apply for a STSM, the Duration of an STSM, and the Financial Support you can benefit during your STSM.

Our STSM Procedure includes:

1.  Application Submission

2. Evaluation & Selection

2. Post STSM


   If you have any questions on STSMs, please contact our STSM & ITC Conference Grants Coordinator: Dr Marija Furdek